My top ones are Avoider and Hyper-Rational, what are yours?

Published almost 3 years ago • 2 min read

Have you ever wondered why two business owners can seemingly be doing the same things yet they get very different results?

They both appear to be doing the same tactics, similar strategy, yet one is enjoying rip-roaring success and the other barely gets by from momth to month.

I used to think that this was down to the quality of foundations in the business (knowing the market, messaging & positioning, offer etc).

Yet sometimes, I would work with business owners who had everything in place yet they still seemed to be stuck spinning their wheels. Going nowhere fast no matter how hard they tried.

Whilst good business foundations play a huge role in the success or otherwise of a business, I've come to realise that there is something far more important at play here.

It's our Internal Saboteurs.

There is not a single human being on this planet who doesn't have Internal Saboteurs.

And if left unchecked they control how you respond to the challenges of life and business.

Your Saboteurs are one of the major reasons why your business is not where you would like it to be.

Ever struggled with

  • self-doubt?
  • procrastination?
  • fear of failure?
  • imposter syndrome?
  • self-esteem issues?
  • fear of failure? name just a few.

All caused by your Internal Saboteurs such as the Judge, Stickler, Pleaser, Avoider, Controller and 5 others that you can discover when you take the Saboteur Assessment.

To weaken your Saboteurs, you develop your Mental Fitness so that you can strengthen your "Sage".

Just like you would train and develop your physical fitness to run a marathon or climb a mountain, you can develop your Mental Fitness so that you can perform better and more effortlessly in life and business.

However, you can't defeat an adversary that you don't see, or one that successfully masquerades as your friend.

Therefore the first step is to identify your Saboteurs and expose their lies to discredit them as they are sneaky little devils 😉

If you want to identify your top Saboteurs click the button below and take your free Saboteur Assessment, it'll just take a few minutes.

Now before you go thinking that I'm some kind of super-duper whizz, I've partnered with a very clever gentleman called Shirzad Chamine. This is based on his New York Times bestseller and Stanford lectures. His research includes 500,000 participants form over 50 countries, world class athletes and leaders from every Fortune 100 company.

What I've learned from Shirzad, and practiced, over the last 3 months has transformed how I show up and perform in business and life in so many ways.

There is a lot of truth in the saying that you need to become the kind of person who enjoys the success that you want to achieve.

The trouble it's really difficult to do this because there are so many different competing frameworks out there. The vast majority of them only focus on one particular aspect so you need to combine lots of frameworks, or they give you the insight but not the how or the practice to make lasting transformation.

In the next few emails, I'm going to share more about developing your Mental Fitness so that you can 10X your business and life, as well as Shirzad's work and why it is both radically different and incredibly effective.

Until then...

Louise the "Avoider" Beattie

(yes, the Avoider is one of my Saboteurs.

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